Ink in Skyblock shop

Ink in Skyblock shop
Post by: CornOnTheCobalt - July 28th, 2015, 2:59:35 am

ink should really be in the shop for skyblock because alot of banners need ink sacs to be crafted
anyone else agree?

Re: Ink in Skyblock shop
Post by: webbington - July 28th, 2015, 4:59:17 am

Please add ink sacs, its really hard to create some banners without them. Also, while working on some banners I noticed that some require skulls. Maybe also add some skulls like how it is in factions?

Re: Ink in Skyblock shop
Post by: KissMeImIrish - July 28th, 2015, 7:27:12 am

My island has lots of ink sacs from our Squid farm, make a farm.

Re: Ink in Skyblock shop
Post by: InvalidSession - July 28th, 2015, 10:56:09 am

[quote author=Willbob2003 link=topic=4111.msg21580#msg21580 date=1438082832]
My island has lots of ink sacs from our Squid farm, make a farm.
You just have to make a deep pool that goes down to y=47, quite easy.

Re: Ink in Skyblock shop
Post by: Livetabon - July 28th, 2015, 2:26:16 pm

Keep in mind the current skyblocks spawn is our old one, a new one is being made as we speak and therefore the shop will be updated.


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