PVP Tournament minigame!

PVP Tournament minigame!
Post by: primadxnna - August 2nd, 2015, 9:20:01 am

Its kinda like free for all, but the minimum is four people and its like a mini tournament! The winner gets 50 Cubetokens for semifinals, then the winner of the whole tournament, gets 100 Cubetokens!

Re: PVP Tournament minigame!
Post by: Peppah - August 2nd, 2015, 9:23:48 am

Good idea Lunar! :D

Re: PVP Tournament minigame!
Post by: JuanDong - August 6th, 2015, 6:54:19 pm

Althought I find this a good idea, but People Could just boost each other meaning they can get 100 ct e/a round and after 10 games they have 1k ct... I would really think it would be MUCH lower than that like 2 per winning and none for losing

Re: PVP Tournament minigame!
Post by: primadxnna - August 6th, 2015, 8:10:30 pm

[quote author=XxX_pslamp69_XxX link=topic=4178.msg22174#msg22174 date=1438901659]
Althought I find this a good idea, but People Could just boost each other meaning they can get 100 ct e/a round and after 10 games they have 1k ct... I would really think it would be MUCH lower than that like 2 per winning and none for losing

Then maybe 25 for Semifinals and 50 for winning.

Re: PVP Tournament minigame!
Post by: JuanDong - August 7th, 2015, 7:38:58 pm

[quote author=Luna link=topic=4178.msg22179#msg22179 date=1438906230]
[quote author=XxX_pslamp69_XxX link=topic=4178.msg22174#msg22174 date=1438901659]
Althought I find this a good idea, but People Could just boost each other meaning they can get 100 ct e/a round and after 10 games they have 1k ct... I would really think it would be MUCH lower than that like 2 per winning and none for losing

Then maybe 25 for Semifinals and 50 for winning.
[/quote]Thats still alot 50 x 10 = 500

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