Friends plugin

Friends plugin
Post by: oneofakid - September 1st, 2015, 5:32:03 pm

Some other servers have a friends plugin, I thought itd be cool if CubeBuilders had one. Like if one of your friends comes online, youd get notified, I dont know just a thought.

Re: Friends plugin
Post by: Livetabon - September 1st, 2015, 5:41:31 pm

It would be interesting, but I am unsure if it will get implemented, as we are currently working on some things currently in the server.


Re: Friends plugin
Post by: primadxnna - September 2nd, 2015, 5:18:30 pm

[quote author=Livetabon link=topic=4553.msg23912#msg23912 date=1441143691]
It would be interesting, but I am unsure if it will get implemented, as we are currently working on some things currently in the server.


Oooh like what?

Re: Friends plugin
Post by: patman96 - September 2nd, 2015, 5:20:48 pm

[quote author=Juvia link=topic=4553.msg23963#msg23963 date=1441228710]
[quote author=Livetabon link=topic=4553.msg23912#msg23912 date=1441143691]
It would be interesting, but I am unsure if it will get implemented, as we are currently working on some things currently in the server.


Oooh like what?
Its mostly bug fixes and updating the server

Re: Friends plugin
Post by: KissMeImIrish - September 2nd, 2015, 5:36:59 pm

[quote author=patman96 link=topic=4553.msg23964#msg23964 date=1441228848]
[quote author=Juvia link=topic=4553.msg23963#msg23963 date=1441228710]
[quote author=Livetabon link=topic=4553.msg23912#msg23912 date=1441143691]
It would be interesting, but I am unsure if it will get implemented, as we are currently working on some things currently in the server.


Oooh like what?
Its mostly bug fixes and updating the server


I think this is a neat idea tho I like it!

Re: Friends plugin
Post by: Livetabon - September 3rd, 2015, 12:06:57 pm

Actually our skyblock spawn and various other things revolving gameplay is being tweaked, weve had many problems with our new plugin and we plan on cleaning it up a bit.

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