Hardcore Factions

Hardcore Factions
Post by: JuanDong - September 17th, 2015, 9:58:30 pm

So I thought this would be a cool idea, although its harsh for new players, as you know I am Highly Skilled in the PvP department. Im not .-.

•TNT/Creeper Explosion Disabled, This sounds quite insane coming from a guy like me, If you think about its awesome, a reason is that people can make some awesome builds without having it Destroyed.
•Deathbans, usually about 2 hours when you die outside of spawn, I see that many people die so it is very harsh. only good thing about it is if your fighting and you wont have to worry about them /f homing once youve killed them.
•Disabilty to do /spawn, this is so people can actually get raided.
•Coords to enemy faction, this shouldnt be that bad, the fact that Explosions are disabled.
•DTR, Or Death Till Raidable, I acutually think this should be added to factions. So DTR is, is when a certain amount of players die in the faction, people can break the claimed land and take the goodies.

Tell me what you think, I would understand if this is too harsh, especially for the newer players. I highly doubt this would be added but I thought of it as a cool idea ^_^

Re: Hardcore Factions
Post by: oneofakid - September 17th, 2015, 10:11:49 pm

Cool idea but definitely harsh xD

Re: Hardcore Factions
Post by: Livetabon - September 17th, 2015, 10:22:23 pm

could be worse, in diablo if you died you lost your character permanently


Re: Hardcore Factions
Post by: Dooplu - September 17th, 2015, 10:30:10 pm

From a guy who honestly can not pvp (blame le lag) i would nto like this added XD i know a friend who might enjoy it and i could show him the server!
Noobs will certanly get shrekt (moi) if thai was implemented

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