Hub Suggestions

Hub Suggestions
Post by: oneofakid - September 18th, 2015, 5:08:39 pm

1:We should have a compass that opens a menu when you right click, and it opens a server menu. I dont know, good idea or not?
2:Can there be a /warp for the entrance of the pvp arena?
3:Turn off PVP in the old spawns (the warps)

Re: Hub Suggestions
Post by: KissMeImIrish - September 18th, 2015, 5:10:19 pm

I like it!

Re: Hub Suggestions
Post by: KissMeImIrish - September 18th, 2015, 5:11:25 pm

[quote author=One link=topic=4715.msg24919#msg24919 date=1442610654]
[quote author=Wheatley link=topic=4715.msg24917#msg24917 date=1442610619]
I like it!


Re: Hub Suggestions
Post by: Oaad - September 19th, 2015, 9:57:15 pm

These suggestions seem pretty great, One! But, I am afraid to tell you that a couple of these may or may not make it in the near future. Currently we are doing maintenance on the server and fixing up many bugs, glitches, and just trying to make it run a lot more smoother. The last two suggestions may be possibly implemented as they require very less, to few amounts of work. The problem with the first suggestion is that it requires quite an amount of work to implement the plugin, that is if no one has released it. Furthermore, these are all pretty good suggestions; but with the current state of the server, it highly unlikely that we may implement these immediately, though it may be possible in the far-future.

Best Regards,

Re: Hub Suggestions
Post by: oneofakid - September 19th, 2015, 9:58:59 pm

[quote author=xNoobNinja link=topic=4715.msg25040#msg25040 date=1442714235]
These suggestions seem pretty great, One! But, I am afraid to tell you that a couple of these may or may not make it in the near future. Currently we are doing maintenance on the server and fixing up many bugs, glitches, and just trying to make it run a lot more smoother. The last two suggestions may be possibly implemented as they require very less, to few amounts of work. The problem with the first suggestion is that it requires quite an amount of work to implement the plugin, that is if no one has released it. Furthermore, these are all pretty good suggestions; but with the current state of the server, it highly unlikely that we may implement these immediately, though it may be possible in the far-future.

Best Regards,
Ok, I understand. Hoepfully we will see the last two soon!
Ill be locking the topic.

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