Cubebuilders Skin Week

Cubebuilders Skin Week
Post by: primadxnna - February 2nd, 2016, 7:50:54 pm

I had an idea for a Cubebuilders Skin Week once a month.

Monday Schmonday: Noob Skins
Twin Tuesday: Twinning with a friend on Cubebuilders!
Wackiest Wednsday: Gender Bent Skins!
Widdle Thursday: Baby skins!
Fab Friday: Your official/most used skin
Caturday: Kitty skins!
Sundays STAFF SHOWDOWN: Some staff members go head to head in a skin comp!

Re: Cubebuilders Skin Week
Post by: primadxnna - February 2nd, 2016, 7:51:19 pm

Its a pretty dumb idea I think...

Re: Cubebuilders Skin Week
Post by: GuttedMuse - February 2nd, 2016, 8:51:25 pm

I think its a cool idea. :)

Re: Cubebuilders Skin Week
Post by: Mod_Guy - February 2nd, 2016, 11:45:10 pm

[quote author=Luna link=topic=5408.msg28839#msg28839 date=1454460654]
I had an idea for a Cubebuilders Skin Week once a month.

Monday Schmonday: Noob Skins
Twin Tuesday: Twinning with a friend on Cubebuilders!
Wackiest Wednsday: Gender Bent Skins!
Widdle Thursday: Baby skins!
Fab Friday: Your official/most used skin
Caturday: Kitty skins!
Sundays STAFF SHOWDOWN: Some staff members go head to head in a skin comp!
[/quote] Psst, staff members should be required to to the skin comp. Just saying..... pls dont yell at me >-<

Re: Cubebuilders Skin Week
Post by: Livetabon - February 3rd, 2016, 12:46:54 am

I really am attached to my skin now ;----;

But Id love to see everyone elses skins!! That would make me happy~ ^^

Re: Cubebuilders Skin Week
Post by: slimestein - February 3rd, 2016, 9:25:35 am

[quote author=Luna link=topic=5408.msg28839#msg28839 date=1454460654]
I had an idea for a Cubebuilders Skin Week once a month.

Monday Schmonday: Noob Skins
Twin Tuesday: Twinning with a friend on Cubebuilders!
Wackiest Wednsday: Gender Bent Skins!
Widdle Thursday: Baby skins!
Fab Friday: Your official/most used skin
Caturday: Kitty skins!
Sundays STAFF SHOWDOWN: Some staff members go head to head in a skin comp!
All day= Slime skin day ;)

Re: Cubebuilders Skin Week
Post by: BarrelRacerMe - February 3rd, 2016, 3:01:58 pm

For the staff skin comp..
That is unfair to lower staff members, because all everyone is going to do is pick high staff bc thats what people do

Re: Cubebuilders Skin Week
Post by: primadxnna - February 3rd, 2016, 4:56:38 pm

[quote author=BarrelRacerMe link=topic=5408.msg28863#msg28863 date=1454529718]
For the staff skin comp..
That is unfair to lower staff members, because all everyone is going to do is pick high staff bc thats what people do

Actually me and maybe 1 or 2 other fair judges will judge :3

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