
Post by: zLemonProz - March 4th, 2014, 2:00:32 pm


So this has happened to me several times now. Basically, me and Lemonfurry are in a battle with other players and the player just logs out. Then he joins back 30 minutes later and we try kill him, but he logs out again.

I strongly suggest getting the CombatTag plugin so people die if they try to log out whilst in Combat.

This is getting very annoying as we want to kill this person for their loot.

I hope you can take time to review this and take CombatTag into your mind.

Thank You,

Re: CombatTag
Post by: reignofchaosx - March 7th, 2014, 12:10:40 pm

this is going to happen its peoples way of cheating bc its not in the rules.

Re: CombatTag
Post by: kungfu92009 - March 11th, 2014, 1:08:46 pm

I think that is a completely good add on to the server whenever im pvp fight with Kobe he logs and hopes that I wont be on him

Re: CombatTag
Post by: maggiethatcher69 - March 23rd, 2014, 7:16:00 am

great idea lemonproz i wanna try and become a plugin devolper so thats gonna be the first plugin im gonna try and make! ::)

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