Auto Armor sword check for Admins

Auto Armor sword check for Admins
Post by: kungfu92009 - March 11th, 2014, 1:14:37 pm

As Mini has seen me php iv killed a few people and they had a diamond chestplate on with Smite 5, Unbreaking 3, Aqua Afinnity 1, Resperation 3, and ect. Dont worry I already gave all the stuff to Mini. I think this would help in many ways against hackers so they cant put insane things on it. The other thing is when I pvp this one person he/she always and I mean always has a god sword exactly the same to the one in /cubetokens store. I dont know about you but I think this is a little suspicious


Hey This Is About Me!
Post by: Despero - April 4th, 2014, 8:43:06 pm

Listen, the reason for having these armor sets were because of an abusive player who had access to the commands and were spawning in items. The reasons for the armor was because I found them in a faction raid of siggi88s base (Sorry siggi) and now the reset is over and items of this power will not be in the game unless hacked in.


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