Nether Protection

Nether Protection
Post by: Aikaboy - May 5th, 2014, 9:36:33 pm

It would be very useful to make a Nether Portal at spawn, and Safe Zone and War Zone at the teleported area. This would also keep people from putting portals within spawn by using them in nether. If you have already fixed it sorry for the post.

[move]:Happy to find bugs for you:[/move]

Re: Nether Protection
Post by: BrowtherHoodz - May 28th, 2014, 1:27:12 pm

To tell you the truth I havent been on a faction server with a nether portal at spawn (I dont even know if theres such thing) but I think that if I were a new player to the server i may die so easily in there so I think its better to take it step by step ;)

Re: Nether Protection
Post by: chipsquared - May 28th, 2014, 7:32:59 pm

There isnt a community nether portal and we have no plans of making them. The nether portal you saw was created by a glitch when players slip into the end portal when its not open. Im going to lock this topic.

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