Minigames PVP Logging and Exiting

Minigames PVP Logging and Exiting
Post by: chumii - April 18th, 2016, 1:39:01 am

Me and A34sponge were PVPing in minigames and these guys joined, ZaneJoaquin and HawkFan09. they were PVP loggers, leaving the arena in a certain space when we found them and abusing the invisibility glitch (Where you cant be seen in the player list -TAB) and it made us SO MAD! Please fix these logging glitchesand make a barrier wall again in minigames PVP.

Minigames PVP Logging and Exiting
Post by: patman96 - July 2nd, 2016, 11:17:11 pm

Locking due to old thread. Sorry for the late reply!


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