Second Chance glitch??(maybe)

Second Chance glitch??(maybe)
Post by: OrzaRound - May 16th, 2016, 8:25:37 pm

So, I've been perm ban before due to advertising which I never meant to do BTW, but I might get perm ban anyways...You may have mentioned this before, but does everybody get a second chance or something cuz I can log onto the server without being kicked for being banned...Not sure if it's glitch or not. I haven't read any forums so don't judge me if I have missed a post on that. Thx bye.

Second Chance glitch??(maybe)
Post by: OrzaRound - May 16th, 2016, 8:28:35 pm

I just read a forum stating this so...can someone close this?

Second Chance glitch??(maybe)
Post by: patman96 - May 16th, 2016, 9:39:20 pm

Hello Matthewcraft8,

The reason why you are no longer banned is because CubeBuilders underwent a big update which included the new forum website. This update also included a new offense/punishment system which replaced the old one. Because of this, all offenses are forgiven and all history has been cleansed for everyone. So yes, everyone has been given a second chance. I suggest you use it and don't take advantage of it! ;)


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