Error 2203

Error 2203
Post by: Jerio - June 29th, 2016, 9:23:59 am

Hey everyone,
I haven't been able to log in to Minecraft for a few days, and I noticed that this past week, my game had been very laggy. I restarted my computer, the router, and even tried to change my gamemodes, but nothing worked.

Today, I decided that I would try to uninstall my game, but I keep getting a message box that tells me I have Error 203, and I literally cannot uninstall the game. Does anybody have an easy fix? Whenever I try to launch Minecraft it just sits on the installation page for a day and doesn't do anything, which is very atypical for my MSI gaming laptop. This is the first time in 4 years that I've ever had troubles with the Minecraft program itself.

A screenshot is provided with the error message, and any help would be great.

Also, I did delete the .minecraft folder to see if that would help, and the results were negative.




Error 2203
Post by: patman96 - July 2nd, 2016, 11:27:52 pm

It seems you are able to log in now. If an issue has been resolved, please remember to lock your thread. Thank you!


P.S. Welcome to the staff team!! :D

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