This one is super annoying.

This one is super annoying.
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - July 23rd, 2016, 6:31:08 pm

I need this bug fixed. So, you know how the anti minechat plugin thing prevents you from talking when you dont move? well if you say hello and then get the message, and you try to say hello again, it thinks u are spamming which you are not. So can a higher staff/admin please fix that that would be helpful.

This one is super annoying.
Post by: patman96 - July 27th, 2016, 3:39:59 am

DaCoolCreeper, I am a little baffled with what you are trying to accomplish. If the chat won't let you say "hello," then why would you want to try saying it again? There would be no point in fixing this bug if it won't even let you talk in chat.


This one is super annoying.
Post by: GalacticCosmos - July 27th, 2016, 6:24:08 pm

It's because of a plugin prevventing minechat or any apps from letting you talk from mobile devices (I don't exactly know why it's been added). It won't let you talk until you move at least 1 or more blocks, so if you say something, a message will pop up telling you that you have to move before you are able to talk, moving and saying the same thing or something with that word that isn't different enough from what you first said will trigger anti spam, giving you one of three chances. I hope you found this explanation useful.

This one is super annoying.
Post by: patman96 - August 4th, 2016, 5:42:36 pm

Ok, I understand what you are trying to say. You are trying to talk while actually in the server (not Minechat). And when you do, it tells you you have to move and when you do and talk again, it thinks you are spamming (the same thing just happened to me). I will bring this up to staff but in the meantime, this does not seem to be a major bug that essentially needs fixing. Thank you for reporting.


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