its getting worse ;-;

its getting worse ;-;
Post by: aolla - May 15th, 2015, 8:56:36 pm

So i was bored so i joined on cubebuilders and for some reason i came into creative which i did not mean to i ment to go into the hub. so i think his name MNM101 said like he stuck up his middle finger and said something else i forgot but i really hope they fix the bug soon! people are hating me

Re: its getting worse ;-;
Post by: Diligxnce - May 15th, 2015, 9:06:27 pm

The jerks that are mad at you dont understand that its not your fault. Dont take this personally, because something will be done. Alyssa, Im not mad at you at all! Youre an awesome friend and people need to learn how great you are.

[move]A MESSAGE TO THE HATERS: Its not Alyssas fault, and shes not meaning to do this![/move]

Re: its getting worse ;-;
Post by: patman96 - May 15th, 2015, 9:22:12 pm

Dont let them get to you. Its not your fault. If they continue to harass you just do the /ignore command.

Re: its getting worse ;-;
Post by: aolla - May 15th, 2015, 9:49:50 pm

i just want to play creative and i cant i just really really want to. Only is staff wasent on strike >:( they could of cleared my inventory and this wouldent of happend.

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