An unused/forbidden world?

An unused/forbidden world?
Post by: GalacticCosmos - July 27th, 2016, 6:39:10 pm

I've been experiencing some sort of issue, I don't know what I should call it, so I will adress it as a 'bug' or a 'glitch'. I'll get to the point, every so often, I'll join the server or do the /back command, and I won't be where I should be, I'll be in this world, that is not the spawn world I don't believe, nor a ps which it definately is not. At the corners of my screen, the screen will be tinted red, just like the dark tint when you in a cave etc. I found it unusual, and so have reported it to staff before. If someone could please tell me what it is I've been put onto, I'd be very much grateful.

An unused/forbidden world?
Post by: patman96 - July 31st, 2016, 6:55:03 am

Hello juniornumbnut,

I was in this world with Booyah a few days ago. You are outside the barrier of the ps spawn. How you got there I am not sure but it is nothing to worry about. The reason for the tinted red is that there are even more outer barriers Siggi has at the spawn (the kind that look like red stripes and won't let you through) and when you are past them, your screen will appear like that. I will be locking this topic. Thank you!


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