The creative crash bug :/

The creative crash bug :/
Post by: aolla - May 28th, 2015, 6:12:04 pm

So joystar2004 had the same problem as me she is crashing creative help siggi! :P :-[

Re: The creative crash bug :/
Post by: NekoTiffy - May 28th, 2015, 6:44:13 pm

is there proof?
how do you know?
when did you figure this out?
and what proof is covered from the evidence

these are the questions you have to put in so that proof is revealed

Re: The creative crash bug :/
Post by: aolla - May 28th, 2015, 7:28:00 pm

yes there is proof so creative crashed everyone git mad but did not know how it crashed... it kept on crashing and i guess joystar was typing and when everyone else was on she joined and it crashed i saw to everyone that its joystar2004 its not her fault though... then it happend again she went on while about 8 people were on creative and it crashed and crashed and crashed.... so yea :-[

Re: The creative crash bug :/
Post by: Asheiou - May 29th, 2015, 3:06:52 pm

The servers internal server-switcherer is broken (BungeeCord)
P.S: Such grammarz.

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