Problem with creative?

Problem with creative?
Post by: donutbank - June 28th, 2015, 10:17:48 am

Creative keeps closing and reopening for 5 seconds and closing again. It disconnects me from CubeBuilders altogether. I reconnect and I am in lobby. The /server command didnt work so I walked in the portal, it takes me there 5 seconds later and the it repeats. By the way, lots of other people are doing the same thing that I am. If a staff could tell me what is happening, that would be great.


Re: Problem with creative?
Post by: Livetabon - June 28th, 2015, 12:30:36 pm

When you type the /server command and nothing happens it means you cannot physically connect to the server. Due to it bein down or not responcive. Give it some time, or Siggi or a higher staff can reset it so it starts working correctly again.

When the server doesnt respond due to a crash or a multitude of entities it tends to do this, it can reset itself or a higher staff can. This will just take time, please be patient.


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