"Broken Plot"

"Broken Plot"
Post by: Peppah - July 21st, 2015, 12:34:19 pm

I was at the Creative server, when someone said his plot was "broken." He said his plot was a circle instead of a square. So, I tpaed to him to see what he was talking about. But, when he accepted, I lost connection and now I cant get back on. :(

Re: "Broken Plot"
Post by: oneofakid - July 21st, 2015, 2:46:37 pm

So we have another rad_cat? And its impossible for a circle plot so if someone tells you to tp for that reason, just dont.

Re: "Broken Plot"
Post by: Akiraff - July 21st, 2015, 2:49:48 pm

If you are in 128 x 128 (Cold - CreativeOld), then you will experience that you would be walking through corrupted chunks. We recommend players to copy their plots from 128x128 to 121x121. Feel free to contact with staff members or with community, if you got questions in export your plots.

CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: "Broken Plot"
Post by: dtown2002 - July 21st, 2015, 2:53:32 pm

I dont really know how. Im dumb.

Re: "Broken Plot"
Post by: InvalidSession - July 21st, 2015, 3:10:08 pm

[quote author=Pepper link=topic=3975.msg20283#msg20283 date=1437496459]
I was at the Creative server, when someone said his plot was "broken." He said his plot was a circle instead of a square. So, I tpaed to him to see what he was talking about. But, when he accepted, I lost connection and now I cant get back on. :(
Corrupted chunks are now in the new Creative server, so beware of that. (1 of my plots are corrupted

Re: "Broken Plot"
Post by: dtown2002 - July 21st, 2015, 3:13:07 pm

What are they caused by?

Re: "Broken Plot"
Post by: InvalidSession - July 21st, 2015, 3:14:38 pm

[quote author=dtown2002 link=topic=3975.msg20396#msg20396 date=1437505987]
What are they caused by?
Mostly Worldedit

Re: "Broken Plot"
Post by: dtown2002 - July 21st, 2015, 3:25:02 pm

Oh now I know. But people are starting to lose there free ranks. It should be fixed soon.

Re: "Broken Plot"
Post by: InvalidSession - July 21st, 2015, 4:02:54 pm

[quote author=dtown2002 link=topic=3975.msg20403#msg20403 date=1437506702]
Oh now I know. But people are starting to lose there free ranks. It should be fixed soon.
Well, my rank expires at september xD

Re: "Broken Plot"
Post by: Peppah - July 21st, 2015, 4:30:57 pm

Im going to try to join again, hopefully I can. -Drum role-

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