My rank is gone!!

My rank is gone!!
Post by: PsycoKC - July 24th, 2015, 4:52:07 pm

Ok so today, my best friend, hawaiigirl924, gave me an emerald code rank she got from sky this morning she said. She knew how bad I wanted one so she gave it to me. now it is gone. please tell me what has happened! :/ :/

Re: My rank is gone!!
Post by: oneofakid - July 24th, 2015, 5:10:24 pm

I saw Karow explaining why this happened in game, so what she says, thats why its gone..

Re: My rank is gone!!
Post by: JuanDong - July 24th, 2015, 5:16:28 pm

Yeah I dont think sky was suppose to give out that code either

Re: My rank is gone!!
Post by: PsycoKC - July 24th, 2015, 6:15:53 pm

Karow explained it to me. I am locking the topic

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