Glitch in Quake

Glitch in Quake
Post by: Tru3ShotXLV - August 15th, 2015, 8:18:21 pm

So, I decided to spectate 2 people in Quake, but then, when I joined, for some reason, I got my RailGun as a spectator. I couldnt shoot it, but also, I couldnt use the door that would take me back to the minigames lobby. I was flying in the screenshot to show Im spectating, but if youre skeptical and think Im hacking, scroll the picture to the right and check the scoreboard, my name isnt in it.

Re: Glitch in Quake
Post by: Tru3ShotXLV - August 15th, 2015, 8:25:47 pm

BTW If youre wondering why the stuff looks different, I am using the Blue Fire Low texture pack.

Cheers! :D

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