My Chat Is Broken~ (Its Been Like This Since Yesterday) *HELP*

My Chat Is Broken~ (Its Been Like This Since Yesterday) *HELP*
Post by: spookytables - August 26th, 2015, 4:46:02 pm

Help Me ;-; My Chat Is Brokenn: Whenever I Type Something Like ;-; Or Ello, It Says Cannot send chat message
A Screen shot of Me Typing Ey And It Saying That Message. Ive Relogged About 5 Times And Still ;; Help Me Please

Re: My Chat Is Broken~ (Its Been Like This Since Yesterday) *HELP*
Post by: vvanqu1sh - August 26th, 2015, 5:15:15 pm

This used to happen to me to. Do Esc, and see if you can find multiplayer settings. Then go into chat settings, and it should give you an option to be able to send chat messages or not.

Sorry if I wasnt very accurate, Im not in game right now so I am not sure.

Re: My Chat Is Broken~ (Its Been Like This Since Yesterday) *HELP*
Post by: spookytables - August 26th, 2015, 5:33:37 pm

Thanks So Much!~
Locking Topic xD

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