The Chest glitch

The Chest glitch
Post by: frytat - October 12th, 2015, 8:46:50 pm

so UltimateBoomer did this glitch and ill tell you how he did it. I did it with a friend a looong time ago. I would have replied but then that would be grave digging so I made a new topic. So when he opened his chest it was all glitched out. It will NOT delete you items if you store it in them. In fact the chest is a mix between a large chest mixed with many others because in creative, as you probably know, he used world edit with chest and since the game couldnt process it right, because it only has a specific line of code for large chests, that happened.

Re: The Chest glitch
Post by: Dooplu - October 12th, 2015, 9:32:43 pm

Did he make a large area into chests? If so, i think the ik wat you mean and the chests will be invis

Re: The Chest glitch
Post by: fritzerman_ - October 12th, 2015, 9:37:03 pm

People used to spam FFA with that and make it lag so much. Idk how they got it in No-Access areas though and Akiraff would ban anyone she found with it so everyone gave theirs up.

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