Hi Just Renewed my emerald donator rank and never recived it in game check my bank and money had been took was wondering if anyone could help thanks
Hi Just Renewed my emerald donator rank and never recived it in game check my bank and money had been took was wondering if anyone could help thanks
Hello its Melon. So on Thursday I bought the Diamond rank for $20 (The discount for previously having gold) and waited 20 minutes. When i get back on: [u][i]NOTHING![/u][/i] please find a way to fix this money-wasting glitch.
[quote=_DiamondMelon_]Hello its Melon. So on Thursday I bought the Diamond rank for $20 (The discount for previously having gold) and waited 20 minutes. When i get back on: [u][i]NOTHING![/u][/i] please find a way to fix this money-wasting glitch.[/quote]
Try waiting a little longer. Brando had the same problem but he got it eventually. Hopefully the glitch will be fixed soon.
*An hour later* umm... i still haven't got anything diamond related... i dont like getting a box of 'nothing' for $20 unless im in space and it's air. THAT would be usefull
Try reclogging that always works for me <3
Sterling this topic is over a month old. Your attempt to help is appreciated but please check the date that the most recent post was submitted. If it is over a month, please do not reply as it is considered gravedigging. As I recall, this issue was resolved so I will be locking this topic.