Creative is still crashing for me

Creative is still crashing for me
Post by: WhovianBunny - February 18th, 2016, 6:59:08 pm

Is anyone able to enter creative without getting crashed? well im not one because same as ever these past months of this new year that i think is horrible so far *thats for ANOTHER post* I tried last night to enter creative where I saw people that were ACTUALLY ON!!! I went through that magic portal and YET AGAIN i crashed is it not just me but i dont know if this is going to get fixed because Its been a month and its not fixed.
Could any Staff/Admin/Whatever type of Staff be able to anwser me?

Re: Creative is still crashing for me
Post by: Mod_Guy - February 18th, 2016, 9:16:07 pm

Does it happen every time you join creative? Have you tried restarting you Mine Craft? If not, try removing the server from your list, wait for like, a couple of days, then try getting back on.

Re: Creative is still crashing for me
Post by: WhovianBunny - February 19th, 2016, 4:46:56 pm

Yes It has it crashes every single time i enter creative and Ill try deleting this server from my list for a couple days *maybe three if thats enough*
but thanks for the response Mod :D

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