/baltop issue might still be a thing?

/baltop issue might still be a thing?
Post by: clens - January 5th, 2018, 3:51:45 pm

Just wondering, has the /baltop issue in skyblock and creative and the hub been fixed yet?

Whenever you preform the command /baltop in those servers, the server always crashes soon after due to the amount of balances that are trying to be put in order.
I was just curious if this issue has been fixed yet, because I haven't seen any posts on the forums about it.

I didn't want to test /baltop to see if it was fixed, because that would obviously cause a server crash.

- wheel31

/baltop issue might still be a thing?
Post by: Jrost - January 6th, 2018, 2:49:01 pm

It is not fixed yet, unfortunately.

Re:/baltop issue might still be a thing?
Post by: Asheiou - January 13th, 2018, 10:50:30 am

We need baltop perms taken away.

An admin needs to just deny essentials.balancetop to everyone until it's fixed

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