Re:1.13 fence and glass broken
Post by: Asheiou - October 8th, 2018, 9:22:09 am
Hey there YuNoFeedMe,
As Creeper said, It's most likely just a visual glitch.
1.13 brought several different changes, including a new block data system.
According to the server, your panes should still connect fine, but your client doesn't use the same data tag used for combining glass.
It's nothing major, and I've seen it happen on other servers before.
If and when the server updates properly to 1.13 rather than only allowing clients in it should fix your glass and fence issue.
The block issue is because you're sending the server instructions to say you have a 1.13 item, and the server doesn't recognise it. Stone is block ID 1 for 1.12.2 and down so it automatically is replaced.
Thanks for reading,