Pockett's Custom Resource Pack v1.4 (UPDATED HD WATER)

Re: Pockett's Custom Resource Pack v1.4 (UPDATED HD WATER)
Post by: InvalidSession - July 25th, 2015, 3:01:46 pm

Pockett, can you explain what this is :P it looked kinda creepy :P

Re: Pockett's Custom Resource Pack v1.4 (UPDATED HD WATER)
Post by: Leifin - July 25th, 2015, 3:42:23 pm

The only possible cause I can think of is your render distance, it might be showing the borders of your visible area. Other than that I have no idea. Im going to be uploading a lower version of this pack for those who have lower-end computers in v1.5. (Working on it now)

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