Re: Members Acting Like Staff >.<
Post by: Akiraff - August 10th, 2015, 2:20:30 am
In my personal opinion, there is another way of rephrasing "acting a staff" is "dedicated member". As Patman96 and Pockett who are both staff members, they both came to an agreement that "there is nothing wrong, with someone doing something extra".
Oneofakid may be roll models for some players, and others not. However his trying to set an exemplar towards all community members, and attempting to change the community. Please note, that staff members cannot be doing all the dirty work by themselves; and we are required that the community also helps with staff and vise versa.
Also staff applications, yes I see that several members are still posting on staff applications even though it explicitly tells them not too. I have updated the rules for this August, and thereby players who are caught replying on staff applications; will be given warnings.
Reason being:
If this person gets promoted to Moderator, they’ll go to Staff List, which includes all +Moderators; and it sets an exemplar of how staff applications should be done.
And thereby, it is not required to have a long chain of messages saying “Good luck”. It is a trend which needs to be stopped. We don’t want 49 replies on member’s staff application which contains spams, long chains of good luck, etc… This will make their application look bad, towards the community.
I will be locking this thread, since there is no need for further discussion required.
CubeBuilders Administrator