Re: Cancer update for those who want it
Post by: Livetabon - May 8th, 2015, 4:52:42 pm
Youre probably terrified.
Im not going to say be brave, or it will get better because the one thing I do not want to do is make you feel like you have to be optimistic.
You must be scared and its completely natural to be scared.
You are facing something that only some can relate to and even fully understand. Your treatments must be painful, they must put a lot of strain on you, and every time you get through a little bit you must feel exhausted when it doesnt seem like its getting better.
You are probably trying really hard to stay optimistic, but as time passes you might start to feel downstricken or even doubtful. The thought of cancer, of having it, the very idea of having such an illness must terrify you.
You do not deserve to have such an illness at such a young age, and the only thing I can say is I really do hope you beat your cancer. It will take a tremendous amount of pain, emotional suffering of fear and anxiety, you may cry and feel alone, and your body will undergo such a struggle in your fight. But dont give up. We are here wishing you the best, we will be here for you till the cancer is gone.
Stay strong