Re: What's ur story?
Post by: paintcr - July 16th, 2015, 7:44:17 pm
Be Prepared For Boringness Beyond Imagination!
On July 8th, 2005, A girl named Maeve was born. She was small with blue eyes and honey blonde hair. Her parents adored her. Unfortuantely, she was an only child. When she was 3 her parents moved from Maryland to Virginia. They moved into what felt like a rental mansion. Maeve lived a hard life, because her family was very poor, and still is. She went to Pre-K and was treated well. When in Pre-K, her teacher, Mrs. Bumgarten, asked her if she wanted to learn anything, and Maeve said she wanted to learn to read. So, her teacher taught her. Then, Maeve went to kindergarten. Now, Maeve was very frightened, and her kindergarten teacher helped her. Maeve met two mean girls in school called Claire and Nevaeh. Claire was very mean to her but for the most part ignored Maeve. She only got interested in her when she wore interesting clothes. Nevaeh was always mean to everyone. Maeve had a crush on a boy called Hayden, and he didnt like her until they were in 3rd grade. Now, Maeve was very lonely, and she only had a girl called Caitlyn for her friend. Caiylyn was weird and inappropriate, and everyone thought she was weird. But Maeve & Caitlyn were BFFs till the end. Kindergarten ended and summer passed without much happening. But in 1st grade, Maeve started theatre. She was a natural and soon became a professional. She was very fun to watch, and many people enjoyed her stage presence. 2nd grade passed without much. Same for the summer. But in 3rd grade 4 boys started crushing on Maeve, including Elijah, Hayden, Jimmy, and Hunter. Elijah caught her eye, though. He gave her gifts, and sent her Valentines. However, Hayden got mad. The other boys still had hope though. This was around the time Maeve got Minecraft. She was addicted, and immedeately Then 4th grade came. Elijah was Maeves boyfriend for a few weeks, then BOOM. Gone. He was attracted to a girl named Brezzy(Breezy). But Maeve never gave up hope. She made a new friend who was a boy, named John. She used to like him, but stopped. They were best friends until 4th grade ended, but Maeve got teased and bullied, being friends with John, but that didnt stop her. She came into the summer weirder then ever. She went to a Broadway Camp, and is, at the moment a rising 5th grader doing Suessical Jr.
I hope you enjoyed my life! I forgot a few things, so feel free to ask me questions!