Re: I'm bored... Let's destroy the english language
Post by: StativeSpencer - October 24th, 2015, 9:41:32 am
[quote author=slimestein link=topic=4953.msg26472#msg26472 date=1445684140]
[quote author=Shieru Fantomuhaivu link=topic=4953.msg26469#msg26469 date=1445656313]
[quote author=Rawra Night link=topic=4953.msg26467#msg26467 date=1445656192]
[quote author=Shieru Fantomuhaivu link=topic=4953.msg26466#msg26466 date=1445655947]
So Im bored and thought "English is stupid" then I thought of the idea to completely mess up english
RULES each time someone posts they change one thing about english and say what you changed, simple. I the end we will end up with something like "chilhhhjvgjvoö ôfhuzæi løß
Now here is the sentence were messing up
"The bird saw the sky and wished to fly, the next day it jumped from the branches and hit the ground, and was sad."
"The birtdt saw the sky and wished to fly, the next day it jumped from the branches and hit the ground, and was sad.
De burtdt saw de sky and wished to fly, de next day it jumped from de branches and hit de ground and was sad.
De börtdt saw de sky and wished to fly, de next day it jumped from de branches and hit de ground and was sad.
De börtdt saw de sky and wished to fly, de next day it jumped from de brancheß and hit de ground and waß sad.