Finish the story...

Re: Finish the story...
Post by: paintcr - June 14th, 2015, 1:14:26 pm

Then an Enderdragon smashed everything up and killed Matthew.


Re: Finish the story...
Post by: OrzaRound - June 14th, 2015, 6:45:49 pm

But I regenerated AGAIN ank killed the dragon.

Re: Finish the story...
Post by: patman96 - June 14th, 2015, 8:29:21 pm

[quote author=Matthewcraft8 link=topic=3242.msg16312#msg16312 date=1434321949]
But I regenerated AGAIN ank killed the dragon.
But then Matthew died of a regeneration overdose and never regenerated again. The end.

Re: Finish the story...
Post by: OrzaRound - June 14th, 2015, 8:39:18 pm

BUT the Doctor faked his death! He regenerated because of the timelords AGAIN and he pulled out a baooka and killed patman

Re: Finish the story...
Post by: patman96 - June 14th, 2015, 9:23:43 pm

But that was really just images flashing before Matthews eyes as he was dying of a slow and painful death and he continues to have these images... (as Matthew will indicate)

Re: Finish the story...
Post by: SuperNova50 - June 14th, 2015, 9:36:25 pm

But then, me, being the turd i am, went around like a madman with a chainsaw and killed everybody and everything until they/it were out of regenerations.

Re: Finish the story...
Post by: OrzaRound - June 15th, 2015, 1:45:09 pm

But the timelords made me immortal. The TARDIS helped me get back alive, the kill the madman! And the Doctor knew he wasnt imagining things. Just patman making him illusioned so he wasnt really dieing

Re: Finish the story...
Post by: patman96 - June 15th, 2015, 1:59:16 pm

And Matthew continues to have these illusions... (I can do this all day ;))

Re: Finish the story...
Post by: OrzaRound - June 15th, 2015, 2:00:31 pm

[quote author=patman96 link=topic=3242.msg16344#msg16344 date=1434391156]
And Matthew continues to have these illusions... (I can do this all day ;))
But patman only THINKS I have illusions because I trickedhim. (AND THIS IS NOT AN ILLUSION I SWEAR)

Re: Finish the story...
Post by: patman96 - June 15th, 2015, 2:14:58 pm

But then patman realized that both him and Matthew had illusions and they both died. The end. (deal?)

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