
Post by: OrzaRound - March 15th, 2015, 6:19:30 am

I wondered why certain commands arent allowed like /tp (Not /tpa) or others. Anyone know why that is in Cubebuilders?

Re: Commands
Post by: chaptermaster118 - March 15th, 2015, 6:21:36 am

because you could just tp to anyone anytime you wouldnt have to have permission at all so ya :)

Re: Commands
Post by: Akiraff - March 16th, 2015, 7:45:02 am

[quote author=chaptermaster118 link=topic=2183.msg9190#msg9190 date=1426425696]
because you could just tp to anyone anytime you wouldnt have to have permission at all so ya :)
That is true. /tpa gives the permission of a person to request a teleport. While /tp it is used for +admins, for staff purposes.

Locking this thread, as it is marked solved.

CubeBuilders Administrator.

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