CubeBuilders Guide

CubeBuilders Guide
Post by: Lil_Britt - October 8th, 2014, 1:37:09 pm

CubeBuilders Official Guide

Hi Welcome CubeBuilders Official Guide, I have merged all the great guides into one topic. If you would like to submit a guide, please contact to Akiraff for an approval before you get your guide up here.

Lil_Britt - [url=][Guide] How to make and upload a faction cape[/url]
EnderTheGreat - [GUIDE] How to make and upload a faction cape
EnderTheGreat - Screenshot Tutorial!
Livetabon - World Edit Command List
Akiraff - Guideception

CubeBuilders Administrator

[Guide] How to make and upload a faction cape

So, I noticed that a lot of you have been having troubles with the capes.
To help you guys, Ive made a guide with pictures of the step by step process of what I have come to understand.

First of all, you want to go to

You then want to right-click the image and Save As the file where ever it will be easiest for you to access it.

Once you have downloaded the image, open it in paint or whatever you are going to use to edit the thing with.

The white area with the text can be deleted. All you really want to focus on is the cape part. The only important thing is that you Do NOT remove the little white squares from the corners of the cape

Now, what you do with the inside of the cape is up to you. You can delete the words on the cape and color it however you please. I wanted mine to be pink.

Now, once you have chosen what you want it to look like, youre going to want to go into the resize option at the top. (See Image #3)

If you cannot find the resize option, or the resize option is not working for you, youre just going to have to manually do it with the ruler provided until the text (highlighted in image #4) matches one of these sizes: 64x32, 128x64, 256x128, and 512x256

Once this is done and you are happy with your design, click Save and NOT Save as unless you are going to rename the file. The file has to be PNG Format or it will not work.

Lastly, you want to do /cape in-game and click on the link for faction capes.

Click on Choose File and click on the file that you saved, then click upload. If you followed the instructions, the page should look like Image #5

I really hope this helped a lot of you. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to message me or comment on this forum. Thank you, and have a wonderful day.
[GUIDE] World Edit Tutorial
Post by: EnderTheGreat - November 21st, 2014, 12:16:29 pm

Ive noticed that some of the donors are having difficulty using world edit. After a quick search, Ive found a guide that explains the majority of it.

the link is here:

If anyone has additional questions on how to use world edit, Id be happy to teach you. :)

Screenshot Tutorial!
Post by: EnderTheGreat - February 15th, 2015, 10:53:59 pm

Hey everyone, One of the greatest ways to share your experiences on Minecraft is to use screenshots! Whether youre just showing something off or reporting something to staff, taking screenshots is the way to go!

First off, we need to discuss how to take a screenshot on all devices.

PC/Master Race

For those on PC, the easiest way to capture your screen is to hit the following:


Press Command (?)-Shift-3. The screenshot is added to your desktop. This is similar to using Print Screen on a PC.

This should save the image to what is called the clipboard or your desktop for Mac users! Now you just need to open paint or some other image software.

from here, just paste it into paint/your software.

One last step. The key here is to submit it to the forums!

Simply start a post, and go to one of the items pointed out in the image below.

The small box is to imbed an image. To do that, simply use a site such as Imgur. Ill provide a link.

The larger one at the bottom is to post attachments. To do that, just click on "Choose File" and upload away!

World Edit Command List
Post by: Livetabon - February 28th, 2015, 10:32:04 am

I was looking at the video tutorial EnderTheGreat has posted, here is a quick list if you do not have time or cannot stream youtube videos.

• Selection commands:
//wand - Gives you a wand that lets you define a cuboid region
//pos1 - Set position one of the selection to the block you are in
//pos2 - Set position two of the selection to the block you are in
//hpos1 - Set position one of the selection to the block that you are looking at
//hpos2 - Set position two of the selection to the block that you are looking at
//chunk - Select all the blocks in the chunk that you are in
//expand - Expand your selection in any direction (//expand u is up etc)
//contract - Contract your selection
//size - Find out how big your selection is
//count - Get the count of a certain block in the selection
//distr - Get the block distribution in the region

• Clipboard commands:
//copy - Copy to your clipboard
//cut - Copy and delete
//paste - Paste your selection
//pasteair - Paste, air included
//paste -a ~ pastes everything but air in the selected region.
//rotate - Rotate your clipboard
//load - Load a .schematic
//save - Save a .schematic

• History commands:

• Region operations:
//set - Set all the blocks inside a region to a block type, OR to a definable random mix of blocks (i.e only 1% diamond ore) HINT: hold a block in your hand and type /wtfisthis and you will see the blocks ID number. (mods+ only)
//stack - Stack the region (i.e. repeat a section of a bridge)
//stackair - Also copies air
//move - Move the region
//moveair - Also moves air
//outline - Draw faces
//walls - Draw walls
//replace - Replace one block type with another, OR several block types with another, OR replace non-air blocks with another
/replacenear - Shortcut //replace that works on nearby blocks
//overlay - Overlay a block over the selected region
//smooth - Smooth the terrain in the region (This command lowers almost everything to the ground (by x amount) will squish your towers and make it look like ruins buried underground)

• Point operations:
//fill - Fill holes with something
//drain - Drains water and lava pools
//cyl - Generate filled cylinders
//hcyl - Generate hollow cylinders
//sphere - Generate spheres
//hsphere - Generate hollow spheres
/fixwater - Level water and turns flowing water into stationary water
/fixlava - Level lava and turns flowing lava into stationary lava
/removeabove - Remove blocks directly above
/removebelow - Remove blocks directly below
/removenear - Remove blocks near you of a certain type (i.e. TNT)
/forestgen - Generate a forest (with Notchs tree algorithm)
/pinegen - Generate a pine tree forest
/snow - Generate snow cover and freeze over lakes near you
/butcher - Kill nearby mobs (hostile mobs)

• Restoring from backups: Note this does not work on the server.
/listsnapshots - List the backups available to use
//use - Select the backup to use
//restore - Restore the selection region from a backup

• Tools:
/tree - creates a tree tool, use this with nothing in your hand, then right click on grassy area to spawn one tree!
// or /, - Toggle super pickaxe mode to remove any block instantly Also known as //superpicaxe area 5, or //superpicaxe single 5 etc
//mode - Super-super pickaxe modes with area and recursive effects
//tool - Lets you use extra tools, like insta-tree!
/unstuck - Frees you if you are stuck inside some blocks
/ascend - Go up to the level above you
/descend - Go down a level
/ceil - Get access to the ceiling above you
/thru - Go through the wall that you are looking at
/up - Go upwards some distance
/jumpto - Go to the block that you are looking at
/chunkinfo - Get the coordinates and path of the chunk that you are in currently in
/listchunks - Get a list of chunks
/delchunks - Generate a shell script to delete chunks Does not work in server
/ex - Fire extinguisher Gets rid of fire, but fire doesnt work in creative unless //set

• Per-player preferences:
//limit - Set a maximum block change limit for operations Restricted in server
/toggleeditwand - Toggles use of the edit wand
/toggleplace - Rather than use your feet, use position 1 for point commands

For morning builders who hate building in the dark, and believe that typing /ptime day is wasting valuable building time, use /ptime @day to lock daytime forever! And for as long as you are in creative! :D

If you get irritated because of chat logs due to /wtfisthis (mods+) and cannot get the ID of items then this site is best reference for IDs of items (for members + easiest site).

Since we are talking about IDs here are the musical record ids and power levels in order (more for reference in the shops for admins who dont know what record 6 is):

Power level: 1 ID:2256 Music: 13
PL: 2 ID: 2257 M: Cat
PL: 3 ID: 2258 M: Blocks
PL: 4 ID: 2259 M: Chirp
PL: 5 ID: 2260 M: Far
PL: 6 ID: 2261 M: Mall
PL: 7 ID: 2262 M: Mellohi
PL: 8 ID: 2263 M: Stal
PL: 9 ID: 2264 M: Strad
PL: 10 ID: 2265 M: Ward
PL: 11 ID: 2266 M: 11
PL: 12 ID: 2267 M: Wait

Any additional commands I hope will be added/modified here.

Re: CubeBuilders Guide
Post by: Akiraff - March 16th, 2015, 4:05:41 pm


Imagine making a guide for "How to Make a Guide?" guide. Well I call it Guideception. With this basic skills, you are able to make the best, greatest, awesome guides for CubeBuilders! When making a guide, you need to make sure to give a set of basic instructions to the person. Especially text guides, they are plain boring, it is always GOOD to play around with colors and thickness of letters, and capital letters to have a nice touch to your thread.

Images are very important towards your guide, it visually helps to visualize the scenario and distracts the reader a bit to rest their eyes, before they continue to read. Images cannot be LARGE nor small. If you make an image that is large, then some players would not be able to see the image. If you upload small image, than some players wont be able to see the image! Here is a TIP #1 "keep constant", meaning same size for each image.

AVOID using attachments! Not only you are wasting server resources, but also it is frustating that players need to download attachements in order to view the image. Use Image Hosters, upload your images directly from website and use the img tags to post your images on forums!

Stick with the Theme
Keep it organized! Sticking with a theme, helpes the readers to follow with your content, if you have different style for each section; their eyes get distracted and might not want to read it anymore!

Accuracy and Orginality
Ensure your guides are accurate and original! If you are copying from someones else, ensure to give the credits towards them too! No one likes their credits to be taken.

Proof read it!
Make sure you correct your grammar while you are writing. We are not looking beyond the expectations for having a good writing quality. However, by the minimum you are required to write English with no leet speaking (i.e: 1337 5p34k1ng) or slangs (i.e.: u go down 2 cave). Abbreviations are permitted,and they need to know what your talking about (i.e: The head of CEO (Chief Executive Officer) is Siggi.).

Make the use of BBCode (Bulletin Board Code), it makes your forum more attractive and people would be interested in reading it. By using BBCode, ensures the effectiveness in organizing your forums in a professional manner that it is most likely to be approved by me!

This is optional, but you can give the opportunity of people who contributed towards the guide.

CubeBuilders Administrator
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