I knew everyone was gonna pick britt and bigboss so i picked pocket
I knew everyone was gonna pick britt and bigboss so i picked pocket
My second choice would be.... well either Karow, as she is nice to me (and she uses my full name and I like that!), Waflkone, (He is extremely nice, I received warning from him I just dont know why I mentioned this but anyways...., he helped get me out of my ban and he gave me 75K for a statue.) and Pocketown, (He inspirated me to make my story PocketOwn Powas!.).
Haters gonna Hate
Holdon I am going to make a corner right now and cry. :(
CubeBuilders - Administrator
I love how you two voted for yourselves ^ c:
Rofl Britt, I didnt vote for myself..... and I have no votes?
I am not gonna vote cause it wont let me pick more than one staff. :( Though I would go for Waflkone, Lil_Britt BigBoss, Siggi, Akiraff and/or PocketOwn.
oops i voted bigboss