I wish to be perma banned

I wish to be perma banned
Post by: ThunderHoof - March 15th, 2015, 8:25:38 am

I notice when i logged in it said you have been muted for a day.

I said the f word in the chat on accident because i was playing another game and got angry then i said it and minecraft came up all of a sudden.

Back to the point, i wish to be perma banned however if i want to get back on i want to have 1 more free appeal the staff will accept.

People still keep calling me a noob and still hate me after 5 months. This really depresses me and if people still hate me i wont play here.

Sorry to say this but i am done with playing here, good luck in the future.

Re: I wish to be perma banned
Post by: oneofakid - March 15th, 2015, 8:28:46 am

Dont leave! D: Everybosy messes up sometimes...

Re: I wish to be perma banned
Post by: ThunderHoof - March 15th, 2015, 8:30:00 am

I will leave because people project very negative emotions onto me.

After a long thought out decision this is it i will be leaving and will not come back on.

Re: I wish to be perma banned
Post by: oneofakid - March 15th, 2015, 8:31:55 am

There are going to be mean people on CB. Just ignore them; theyll be punished later. You know there are a lot of people who like you! Im sure some staff do too!

Re: I wish to be perma banned
Post by: ThunderHoof - March 15th, 2015, 8:35:48 am

Well? who actully cares about me?

This server doesnt have things that i would like to have so im leaving it and will probably will not come back until may or so.

Most people ignore me all the time, staff muted me cuz of my history so im leaving

Re: I wish to be perma banned
Post by: MystrikMC - March 15th, 2015, 10:10:10 am

we care about you!

Re: I wish to be perma banned
Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 15th, 2015, 12:44:09 pm

Thunderhoof, if you are having problems please let the staff know. If you want to leave because of personal issues or family problems, then, if necessary, feel free to do so. But overall, I think you should think through your decision, there are lots of people in CubeBuilders who enjoy your company and want you to stay here.

Re: I wish to be perma banned
Post by: ThunderHoof - March 15th, 2015, 1:20:42 pm

The reason why im leaving is cuz I KEEP GETTING MUTED

I was playing a game when i got killed over and over until minecraft came up and i accidenly said the f word in the chat.

Re: I wish to be perma banned
Post by: slimestein - March 15th, 2015, 2:00:24 pm

[quote author=??????? ??????? link=topic=2188.msg9239#msg9239 date=1426450842]
The reason why im leaving is cuz I KEEP GETTING MUTED

I was playing a game when i got killed over and over until minecraft came up and i accidenly said the f word in the chat.
Then its your fault you get muted, you cant blame it on anyone.

Re: I wish to be perma banned
Post by: ThunderHoof - March 15th, 2015, 2:28:58 pm

im not blaming on anyone its just that i was angry in some other game and minecraft came up what ever i dont care ,you dont care

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