Is sharing urls in private chat allowed?

Is sharing urls in private chat allowed?
Post by: ThunderHoof - March 16th, 2015, 12:28:20 pm

i am wondering if sharing urls in private chat is allowed

Re: Is sharing urls in private chat allowed?
Post by: Akiraff - March 16th, 2015, 1:13:01 pm

Before answering your question, I would like to give a brief introduction of why we start taking this kind of action.

As you may be aware of, but there seem a Staff Chat about this situation, rather or not we should allow our members further sharing URL (links), in CubeBuilders chat system (Personal, Public, Mail, etc…).

To begin with, this topic was brought up a player who analyzed the danger of sharing links on CubeBuilders, and I have taken further investigation through what should we allow and disallow on CubeBuilders. As you may be unaware of, players are no longer allowed to share their personal information on CubeBuilders for security reasons; due to our demographics being targeted at younger age, we would like to ensure our community maintains safe and are harder to be targeted from adults.

Moreover, sharing links can be either safe or dangerous; due to fast development to HTML (hyper text markup language), we were able to succeed in adding more functionality towards our web sources making it more dynamically and independent compared previous HTMLs version. This include CSS (cascading style sheet) and JS (javascript), which makes the motion of the web much smoother.

Enough of computer science, the whole point is that it left a huge disadvantage. Malwares, adwares, cookies, etc… Malwares started to appear on websites, and started infecting a lot of websites; sometimes it takes just a simple javascript to ruin the fun of your day and the damage thus it causes afterwards. Now you may argue, well I just shared a youtube link. Or I shared an official website link; the bitter truth is that hackers tend to be expert and manipulate the navigation page, making it appear so real yet is fake; also known as phishing website. Phishing website, usually are a replica of original websites and they take the advantage of stealing your personal information, and other case sensitive information stored in your computer; simply by manipulating the URL page, by looking legitimate.

Now, back to your question, “Is it against the rules of sharing links to personal message?”. I would say yes and no. It is very debatable on what perspective the person is looking at; but to be in safe-lines it is the best to avoid sharing URLs, until approval of the Staff Team.

CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: Is sharing urls in private chat allowed?
Post by: ThunderHoof - March 16th, 2015, 1:20:51 pm

Lets say i have a friend IRL that knows me and stuff and i shared the url through msg would that be allowed?

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