Post by: Derpehh - March 16th, 2015, 12:56:06 pm

HI, iM back. Sorry, about recent post, didnt want to make anyone that mad... Plz dont take it cereal.

Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 16th, 2015, 6:13:27 pm

Welcome back.

Post by: Derpehh - March 17th, 2015, 12:08:52 pm

Thanks DaRetroGamer. Trying to get meh posts up. :D Lol

Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 17th, 2015, 4:36:16 pm

[quote author=DerpehWaffle link=topic=2202.msg9367#msg9367 date=1426619332]
Thanks DaRetroGamer. Trying to get meh posts up. :D Lol
[/quote]Derpeh, the point of posts is this. If you have something useful to say, then put it in a post. Do not post irrelevant content just because you are simply trying to get more posts.

Post by: chaptermaster118 - March 17th, 2015, 7:52:41 pm

[quote author=DaRetroGamer link=topic=2202.msg9377#msg9377 date=1426635376]
[quote author=DerpehWaffle link=topic=2202.msg9367#msg9367 date=1426619332]
Thanks DaRetroGamer. Trying to get meh posts up. :D Lol
[/quote]Derpeh, the point of posts is this. If you have something useful to say, then put it in a post. Do not post irrelevant content just because you are simply trying to get more posts.
Agreed =P

Post by: Akiraff - March 18th, 2015, 4:41:32 am

[quote author=chaptermaster118 link=topic=2202.msg9391#msg9391 date=1426647161]
[quote author=DaRetroGamer link=topic=2202.msg9377#msg9377 date=1426635376]
[quote author=DerpehWaffle link=topic=2202.msg9367#msg9367 date=1426619332]
Thanks DaRetroGamer. Trying to get meh posts up. :D Lol
[/quote]Derpeh, the point of posts is this. If you have something useful to say, then put it in a post. Do not post irrelevant content just because you are simply trying to get more posts.
Agreed =P
Good luck, and welcome back to forums.

CubeBuilders Administrator

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