Is there a way to know when you first joined the server?

Is there a way to know when you first joined the server?
Post by: Ch1nchilla015 - April 21st, 2015, 8:37:27 am

Hey Guys! I was wondering if there was a way to find out when you first joined the server?
If anyone knows then plz tell me, for some reason I just really want to know. Thx anyway! Bye! ;D

Re: Is there a way to know when you first joined the server?
Post by: SkyrunPvP - April 21st, 2015, 8:44:04 am

You can click on your profile which at the bottom tells you when you registered on the forums but anywhere else I do not believe you can check or you can remember like I did :D

Re: Is there a way to know when you first joined the server?
Post by: Akiraff - April 21st, 2015, 9:20:24 am

I registered on forums December 13th 2013. I was a guest on the server for four days. So I joined the server on December 9th 2013.

As Skyrun02 mentioned, there is no way knowing when you joined the server. However it shows how long have you been on-time.

Click here to find out, your on-time.

CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: Is there a way to know when you first joined the server?
Post by: Ch1nchilla015 - April 22nd, 2015, 12:19:36 am

Ok, thank you! ;D

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