'Bye guys.

'Bye guys.
Post by: paintcr - December 20th, 2015, 3:38:43 pm

Basically, CubeBuilders has been ruined. No one laughs anymore. No one socializes much. I miss the time where we could have a friendly roleplay...guys, I cant stand it. ActualSpace, one of my closest friends, is gone. Everything I love about Cube is gone. All fun, POOF. Ill miss you guys. I might be on once or twice, but not much....

Goodbye, and I want to say thank to to the people below.

ActualSpace~ For being the best friend anyone could ever have.
Peppah~ For having lots of laughs in storage whenever I need them.
oneofakid~ Thanks for forgiving me after I griefed you.
SRBunnies~ You are an awesome cousin. Ill miss you...
CB Staff~ Thanks for being so awesome and forgiving.
Luna~ It was fun with you in the beginning.

Thanks to all these people. It was great.


Re: 'Bye guys.
Post by: Peppah - December 20th, 2015, 3:39:46 pm

I cri :( I might leave with ya squid, CB is done.

Re: 'Bye guys.
Post by: BradmasterX - December 20th, 2015, 4:21:41 pm

So I leave for a few months then I come back, now everyone is leaving ;(... Sad

Re: 'Bye guys.
Post by: oneofakid - December 20th, 2015, 5:22:56 pm

Aww :( you never griefed me, you were making a joke. Im honestly going to miss you so much :(

Re: 'Bye guys.
Post by: StativeSpencer - December 20th, 2015, 5:29:16 pm

Bye :(

Re: 'Bye guys.
Post by: paintcr - December 21st, 2015, 4:50:30 am

Guys, thanks so much. I honestly thought this page would be ignored. I will miss you all so much, and i will be checking forums constantly.

Luv u guys,

Squidz <3


Thanks so much for your forgiveness, One. It means SO much to me.

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