Re: Plot Helpers!!
Post by: paintcr - July 30th, 2015, 7:01:36 pm
1. Past Usernames: Waterfa1133, DerpehSquid
2. Username: SquiddehDaDerp
3. City, Country: Castleton, VA
4. Timezone: GMT-5
5. Year of Birth: 2005
6. Auto Biography: (Tell me about your self, as this info is needed) Im 10, I am going into 5th grade, I have 2 crushes irl, and Im lazy about typing so Im done now XD lel
7. More info: (What do you like to build on creative, as this info is needed) I like building swimming pools & toy shops, and pixel art, though Im horrible
8. Do you have Skype?: (This is not needed) yas
Put a X in all that apply:
(X) I will not grief or raid.
(X) I will follow all rules.
(X) I will follow all directions.
(X) I will NOT build without permission.
(X) I certify that I am at least 10 years old. (This is to determine maturity. if I know you are mature and/or under special circumstances, I will accept you. If you are caught lying you will be auto-rejected and will not be able to apply again. If you do apply its another auto-reject no matter WHAT).