I'm Not New But I'm Doing It Anyway

I'm Not New But I'm Doing It Anyway
Post by: freakJammies - April 3rd, 2016, 9:43:04 am

Hai fello CubeBuilders Fans!

My Minecraft Username is BLAZExCAPTAIN (but you can call me Blaze). I have been playing Minecraft PC since 31st of July 2014. I also first played CubeBuilders on that same day, and that is also the day I got my first non-shared computer! My friend was called koala48089 at the time and she is now TheFabKoala_. You may or may not remember me but the past usernames I can remember are: Lucarioguy64 -> AuraRanger64 -> TheZoroarkSpy -> LucDaGamer64 -> and now BLAZExCAPTAIN.

I like to: indicate by inserting "x" inside brackets (and no, you can't take the x out of Play on CubeBuilders Server )
(x) Play Minecraft
(x) Play on CubeBuilders Server
(x) Raid other factions
(x) Go hunting for creepers
(x) Kill zombies
(x) Launch TNT cannons
(x) Build in Creative mode
(x) PvP
(x) Go mining
(x) Farm
(x) Kill the Ender dragon
(x) Watch YouTube videos
( ) Make YouTube videos
( ) Eat sushi

Blaze 8)

Re:I'm Not New But I'm Doing It Anyway
Post by: slimestein - April 3rd, 2016, 11:20:23 am

i do remember you, like the second time i joined factions, you were really nice to me (:

Really thank you for that time

(not implying that you have been rude other times)

And Welcome to Cubebuilders

Re:I'm Not New But I'm Doing It Anyway
Post by: freakJammies - April 4th, 2016, 8:33:59 am

Thanks for saying that, but I did it because you were nice too :D

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