Hey, Im not new or anything but you might not know me!

Hey, Im not new or anything but you might not know me!
Post by: DerpehBagel - April 5th, 2016, 2:55:37 am

Hello CubeBuilders!

My name is _Bagel_. I am 14 years old. I am a girl who loves to play piano and play on the CubeBuilders MC server. I have played Minecraft for 2 years. My favourite food is, believe it or not, bagels. I live in the US of A and currently I'm in my last year of junior high. My life isn't that interesting so have fun reading this boring basic thing. :P

I like to:
(x) Play Minecraft
(x) Play on CubeBuilders Server
(x) Raid other factions
( ) Go hunting for creepers ~ Creepers are too hard to kill with the new update :?
(x) Kill zombies
(x) Launch TNT cannons
(x) Build in Creative mode
(x) PvP
(x) Go mining
(x) Farm
(x) Kill the Ender dragon
(xxxxxx) Watch YouTube videos ~ The story of my life-- Getting lost in the suggestions of youtube
( ) Make YouTube videos ~ Im extremely shy
( ) Eat sushi ~ Im allergic to sea food :P

Re:Hey, Im not new or anything but you might not know me!
Post by: patman96 - April 5th, 2016, 3:14:20 am

In response to your poll, my favorite is KOSDFF (not a lot of people who see this will probably know who that is XD)

Re:Hey, Im not new or anything but you might not know me!
Post by: DerpehBagel - April 7th, 2016, 1:57:14 pm

[quote=patman96]In response to your poll, my favorite is KOSDFF (not a lot of people who see this will probably know who that is XD)[/quote]

I think I have some youtube searching to do :P

Re:Hey, Im not new or anything but you might not know me!
Post by: slimestein - April 7th, 2016, 8:55:47 pm

Welcome! haha

fav youtubers i think are The king of random, Cyanide and happines, ijustwanttobecool (swedish channel) and crazy pictures (also swedish but have with english subtitles i believe)

Re:Hey, Im not new or anything but you might not know me!
Post by: freakJammies - April 9th, 2016, 8:51:36 am

Hi, my fav YouTubers are Happydays (gaming channel that does Terraria), xisumavoid, cubfan135 and Welsknight Gaming (all of which play Minecraft), I doubt any of you have heard of them before so make sure to che k them out!

Blaze 8)

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