
Post by: oneofakid - February 29th, 2016, 11:20:22 pm

Hello guys! My name is oneofakid, or some of you may know me simply as 'One'. I don't play minecraft all that often, as I am commonly making YouTube videos or making movies. I also run my own minecraft server(no I'm not giving you the ip), and that is a lot of responsibility so unfortunately I'm not on cubebuilders all that often, or as much as I'd like to be. Anyway whenever I'm on you'll most likely find me on creative or factions. I have been a part of the cubebuilders community for a year and 2 months at the time of this post. As mentioned earlier I run a YouTube channel which you can check out by clicking the link in my profile. I am 12 at the time of this post but actually turning 13 in 5 days :D I really would like to be more active here. Also mentioned earlier I am not new, so no need to welcome me :wink: hope to see you guys on the server!

Post by: Peppah - March 1st, 2016, 1:31:56 am

Nice to meet you, One. :-) Jk xD

Post by: KermitsBigToe - March 1st, 2016, 5:11:19 pm

Oh welcome one you're so new, I've never ever spoken to you before and I have no clue on who you are because we've never talked before. Psst note da sarcasm, but hello.
And oh no bruh you're turning thirteen soon, you're gonna be a teenager ooo ur getting old. #OneDaRebelliousTeenager.

Re: Hi!
Post by: EmsMyEms - April 15th, 2020, 6:25:05 pm

Nice to meet you, oneofakid! I’m excited to see you on the server! <3

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