New intro

New intro
Post by: androosu - March 3rd, 2016, 4:27:13 am

I felt liek making a new intro.

Hiii. My name is TheGabbyGamer, but call me Gabby bc I told u to. I can known to be sarcastic and I love video games. I was brought here the summer of 2015, and got more into the server around August. I'm pretty active out of my gaming life, even though I have no real life. No friends. Oh well. Some could say I can get mean, but you'll live with it. I love single-player where I experiment stuff like everything in the new updates, TNT cannons, etc. I make dumb YT channels with my cousin (Justin) go check my YT channel out = / I hope you and me can get along if you've never met me.

I like to: indicate by inserting "x" inside brackets (and no, you can't take the x out of Play on CubeBuilders Server )
(x) Play Minecraft
(x) Play on CubeBuilders Server
( ) Raid other factions
( ) Go hunting for creepers
( ) Kill zombies
(X) Launch TNT cannons
(X) Build in Creative mode
( ) PvP
(X) Go mining
(X) Farm
( ) Kill the Ender dragon
(X) Watch YouTube videos
(X) Make YouTube videos
( ) Eat sushi

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