Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!
Post by: Jameslittleboy - May 28th, 2016, 10:26:34 am

Hello everyone!

My name is James! And this is my intruduction:

I've been playing for CubeBuilders for quite a time (not a year yet though). And you can find me at Skyblock, actually, only at the Skyblock!
Anyway, I like playing football and Minecraft. I use to be a Goal Keeper when playing Football. Anyway, a bit about Minecraft:
I've known Minecraft since 2011, but didn't start playing the Computer edition before 2013/2014. I like playing some kind of survival where I can play with my friends and have fun! :D Building my houses bigger, improving it, is what I like :)
Probably everyone knows, but: I love using tricky methodes on how to turn rich in Minecraft...

Well, I don't have much to say, but that's all :P
Goodbye and I hope I see you in game!


Re:Hello everyone!
Post by: 948 - May 29th, 2016, 1:06:19 pm

Do you have any past usernames?

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