An Ancient Introduction with Timeline

Re: An Ancient Introduction with Timeline
Post by: maggiethatcher69 - February 26th, 2015, 1:48:11 pm

August 2013: I start playing Minecraft, though I dont know what the Multiplayer button did
March 2014: I join Cubebuilders and make friends with Lemonfurry and zLemonProz
April 2014: I meet my friend timt10, he was burning down my house and raiding it :(
May 2014: I have a period of offlineness.
June 2014: I come back and meet Waflkone, Blackillz, Elfishwarrior and Browtherhoodz.
July 2014: I have more fun than ever on CubeBuilders everything was perfect.
August 2014: My birthday, I got realms so I could play with people outside CB
September 2014: I meet my third favourite staff of all time: Lil_Britt (well i think)
November 2014: Realms expires :( I meet the genderless admin Akiraff.
December 2014: I have period of offlineness
January 2015: I is back again. Me and timt10 become better friends.
February 2015: I am having tonnes of fun. I apply for staff (fail).

Re: An Ancient Introduction with Timeline
Post by: SkyrunPvP - February 26th, 2015, 3:03:03 pm

April-2014: I found the server when I logged on I got loads of welcomes :D. Couple weeks later I remember when Brow got helper :D he was helping me with the first level of parkour lel. I was great friends with Blackillz and still am.

May-2014: I finally! Registered on the forums I also bought my sister to the server. I created my first faction just beside the warzone didn’t get raided for about 2 weeks which I am still surprised now.

June-2014: Karow came!!! :D didn’t really talk to her though. I created a faction with Sterlings5 he was rich in factions so I was happy to join him. I also posted my first staff application.

July-2014: I posted my 5th staff application which I waited but was rejected again lol. I don’t have good memory.

August-2014: I posted my 7th! Staff application this is also when I found out my personality in Minecraft. PVP. Rejected.

September-2014: Months of trying I was accepted :D erm but I wasn’t staff long. Very bad memory.

October-2014: I joined Outerhaven very nice faction very rich the only bad thing was the mob grinder lag. Then we moved base to a very open space I became very rich at this time but it was legitimate. But. We moved again but that time without me I saw the base planned out in creative it was amazing but voted out.

November-2014: I created a new faction slowly out of god apples but Akiraff joined me we progressed even more when he joined then something happened lel. Then we made a NEW base with 4 layers of obsidian we were getting rich on speed II and Strength II. We invited rat lol he betrayed wasn’t really bothered as it’s a game. Then this is my favourite 3 awesome people joined EnderTheGreat Livetabon and CC257 they created AkiraEnderprises.

December-2014: AkiraEnderprises getting richer by the minute then Outerhaven connected with us which I liked because now I’m back with them :D. Then I saw some of Livetabon’s manic builds I was astonished and happy to have a builder like that on the server. My favourite part of this month was that we started a secret Santa gifts thingy we put gifts in peoples chests but the person is not allowed to look at their own lol I loved my presents.

January-2014: Everything going great started a new project creating a obsidian wall bedrock to sky limit on factions its going very well ,our fac can mine altogether in 1 day about 1 and a half double chests of obsidian or even more ! I was given another chance for my staff application came out of nowhere but I was so happy that I was allowed to re-apply.

Febuary-2014: Well coming to the end of February faction wall is nearly done but still a little more to go I’m still waiting on my staff application but I’m being patient as Karow is going through some difficulties with her Minecraft account I believe. But I also got my Iron Golem Spawner this month for me skyblocks. Browtherhoodz joined me and livie :D I think it’s a great island in my opinion.

Well I’m still here and here to stay for how long this server is up for! I am also so happy that we have gone for just 3 on weekdays to 46. The weekends 45 to 136 our record I cant wait to expand even more.

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