My New Intro!

My New Intro!
Post by: Epiphxnee - October 22nd, 2016, 1:53:23 am

Alright guys so many of you may have seen me on the server and been like, " how dis guy know so much about dis awesome server?!", well I am here to answer you. I am ll30243ll formally known as Supernova50 to many, I am a 2+ year member of cube builders and (was) an emerald donator, my Supernova50 account was deleted and I was very sad.... BUT!!! Now I am back and hopefully here to stay :D

Re:My New Intro!
Post by: Jerio - October 22nd, 2016, 6:37:45 am

Hello Nova!

It's great to have you back on the server! We hope that you'll enjoy your time back :)


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