
Post by: Treadway046795 - May 20th, 2017, 3:42:57 am

Hi people just going to tell you about me I don't have very many friends but I don't care much I just deal with things because even if I don't know you it is a lot easier to just type something and post it then deal with someone who can know you forever. I am just sick of being judged for stupid things. I am really sweet and I will always be accepting to people because I know how if feels and I want other people to know you don't know what other people go through some of us play Minecraft to get away from all of it, but anyway unless you do something to make me mad I will always be pretty chill also I don't like role play fav color is blue and yea I don't care what you have to say because I know what some people are going to say everyone have different opinions!<3

-See ya later

Post by: androosu - May 20th, 2017, 3:53:23 am

Hey Treadway! I hope you love this server because it really is ok!

Post by: RainbowThiccc - June 26th, 2017, 10:08:51 pm

Hey! Welcome to the server! I hope you have a fun time here with all of us! c: Hope to see you on more!

Post by: DaCoolCreeper - July 21st, 2018, 2:31:55 am

I hope to see anyone at all on more, it’s been getting more and more lonely.

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