My First Time Here

My First Time Here
Post by: DylanTehBat - December 9th, 2017, 4:26:06 am

Hey guys, I was looking around and exploring the website. I saw this and well I think I should share my story on how I ended up here and what I've gone through. I started playing Minecraft a few years ago, I was so excited to get my laptop on Christmas that the day I got it I installed MC. I fell in love with the game, because you can do what you want and you can freely think creatively and put it in some sort of form. I started small, but my single player worlds wouldn't ever load. So for the four or so years I've been playing MC, I haven't played but one single player world that kept crashing xD So I didn't hate the game for that, eventually I fell into the server world. I met a group of online friends on another server and I enjoyed myself. I learned a lot, but eventually it lost it's touch. I ended up leaving that server and I just sorta wandered with whatever my friends wanted to do. I didn't really enjoy doing that all the time, I missed having a server to call home you know? I felt empty, so I wandered and wandered looking for a server I could express myself an enjoy.
Then one day, I'm just casually strolling on Minechat and find CubeBuilders under a tab, I joined and chatted for a while. I liked the people, they were very welcoming and passionate about what they were doing. I logged onto my computer and joined online for the first time. I was a little new, but my past experience helped a lot with commands and how things worked x3 Ever since, I've fallen in love with this small place to call home. I got, enveloped in what was going on. I want to try and be apart of that family, and I can't be more thankful to be here.
That's my story, but what's yours?

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